Week 28
I ran into a lot of problems with weight painting as I was having trouble trying to get the arms to bend correctly, but after hours of weight painting them I feel like the problem was with the model which I may have to re-do which I don't have time to do, or I could settle with something that somewhat looks right. Unfortunately I couldn't perfect the arm weight paints, looking back on it I might have an idea that could make it look better, but it still wouldn't be perfect, I feel like I have to re attach the hands if I want to get the weight paint perfect, but like I said I don't have the time, so what I got now works. To speed up I made sure everything else that I haven't touched on the model has been weight painted in some way, so that I can export it to Unity. However this futile, as the model imported without any textures, as well as it didn't have a post processing package that came up with an error message. Luckily I fixed the post processing package error...