Week 19
To start this Week I went back to the fringe and edited it around a bit to make it look better, I also added a few extra strands of hair to make it look more detailed and on top of the head I made a Cowlick.
I start the Back of the Head by making two long strands of hair, and then editing them slightly so that they don't look too similar, as if the all the hair strands on the back of the head look the same it might look wrong and that it has been fabricated instead of naturel.
This time I used the Mirror modifier to make the hair symmetrical, I don't finish the hair though, I just add a few more hairs by using the mirror modifier. Whilst I was making the Hair strands I was still keeping in mind to change the flow of the hair and the direction the bottom of the hair was pointing to make it look more natural.
All and all I think that the Hair turned out very well, to double check everything looks alright I added on a quick Shaded that the body uses and changed the colour to Brown for now but I might change it in the future. Anyway with the shader on I think that it turned out very well, I might try and make a proper texture and apply it to the hair like Darcy did with the hair she made, I also want to make my characters Hair scruffier, which Darcy does show how to do but I might leave the Hair for now to focus on the outfit. Once the outfit is done it will be show time to go back and re-do the Hair and maybe some other aspects about the model, then it will be onto Texturing and then lastly Rigging Everything, then the real last thing is trying to get it into VR Chat.
I wasn't happy on how the hair was looking, so I decided to redo the back of the hair again. This time I looked at a different tutorial on how to make it look better. I found this tutorial by the Youtuber 'Rainhet Chaneru 3D'(38), although it is a tutorial on how to connect hair strands together, she has an example of what it should look like, by showing us her hair she is making, so I am using that as a reference a bit.
To Start off with I updated the Sides of the hair and stylised so that it looks a lot better.
Then I Filled in all the gaps in the hair by placing more hair over the top. I still need to add in small strands of Hair but I will do that when we come to editing the wireframe.
I added in more detail to the top of the head so that it didn't look to neat and looked scrappy.
There was one last part of the hair, because when a player is looking up at it, from below, you can see a bold spot so I added in Hair there to cover it up.
38 - Connect hair seamlessly in Blender with curves (2023) YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbM8KWe5Qu4 (Accessed: 12 April 2024).
Excellent work bring in some other tutorials/research etc maybe exploring other methods of doing this.