Week 23

As I am running out of time I went back on the design and decided to make a brawler outfit instead, due to it being more simplistic and easier to make in a shorter amount of time. So looking back on the model I didn't think that the knee high boots fit the brawler style, so I duplicated them (just in case I wanted to use the knee high boots for the model in the future), then I edited the boots, so that they were about half way up the calves. 

Next I started on Shorts for the character, by selecting all the verts around the waist, then duplicating them, and detaching them from the rest of the model. Then I scaled the polys, so that it is just bigger then the body. This gives me the base of the Shorts to which I can add detail to it in a bit.

Then I extruded the bottom and the top part of the shorts. I did this to make the ends of the shorts more detailed, and make a belt shape for the top of the shorts. I then Added in pockets by selecting some polygons then extruding them outwards, then on top of the pocket, I inserted the faces and then extruded downwards to get the inside of the pocket. Then I went back to the belt and for every Four spaces I extruded a ring of faces to give the belt, a little more detail



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