Week 26

As I don't really have that much time left I decided to start rigging the character and trying to get it into VR. I used 2 AM's video to Rig the character, and Sipp's Avatar Box which is a new youtuber I looked at, to get the character in VR Chat. 

Like I said 2 AM made this video which goes over the basics of rigging a character, then he shows what cool physics you can do with chains, or with the hair. Unfortunately I don't think I will have time to use hair or cloth physics, however I will at least get them to a position where I could do it, so I might have hair physics but it  depends on how far I get.(45)

And the next Video I looked at was Sipp's Avatar Box, which goes over all the options, and stuff you can do when importing your Character into VR, he Also goes over all the software you need to install so that you can actually import it into VR chat.


45 - Blender: How to rig everything ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) anime styled character (rig hair, chest, clothes, etc..) (2023) YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blgGcbZzsWM (Accessed: 08 May 2024).

46 - VRChat avatar tutorial - basic avatar setup (2023) (2023) YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSwMz4WcajQ (Accessed: 08 May 2024).


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