Week 16

Now that the main parts of the body are done, I decided to finish it off by making the Hands and the Feet. I decided to look at how to make the feet first which doesn't look to complicated to do. As always I looked at 2 AM and how he made his characters Feet, as I find it easy to learn from his videos compared to other peoples.

First I start off with a cube and make a few loop cuts, along the top and sides of the cube. I make 4 loop cuts along the Y axis and 9 Loop cuts along the X axis.

Then I scale the box along the Y axis by 2 and the Z axis by 0.2, this is to give us a rectangle, to which we can manipulate into a shape of a foot.

Then I move verts on the box to get a foot shape. I used soft selection to move the verts around smoothly, which made it easier for me to make the foot shape, because it meant that I didn't need to move every vert separately.

Then I added in a circle by pressing Shift + A which brings up the Mesh menu. From there I add in the circle and change its properties to contain 6 verts, then I scale it down and rotate it so that it is facing the same direction as the foot, then I extrude it out just a bit in the same direction, this circle will be our toe. Also at the top of the foot we delete the faces where the toe will be.

how I will make the toe is by using Loop cut 3 times then loop cut once more but move it as close to the last loop cut that was made near the end of the toe. Then I select the bottom of the other two loop cuts closest to the foot and move them up a bit to get the joint look on the toe. Then I move the top face closet to the end o the toe and move it down, lastly I extrude the face up, then on that face I select the edge closes to the foot and move it down into the mesh as this will be the toe nail. I patch up the end of the toe with faces, and that will be the toes done.

Then I duplicated the toe by selecting it and pressing Shift + D, then I scale some of the toes up or down to make the toes look realistic and not all the same size.

Then I connect the toes to the rest of the foot, I first connect the left big toe by deleting the face where the big toe would connect to the foot, then I select the two open holes, go to edge menu which is on the top bar near the mesh menu, then I select the bridge loop edges option. The reason on why we don't delete all of the faces on the foot to connect the toes is because it wont connect properly and you wont be able to connect the rest of the toes.

Then I deleted some of the faces near the back of the foot, where the foot will connect to the rest of the leg.

Then I extrude the hole up so we get the connection between the foot and the leg, I make 2 loop cuts around the faces I just extruded and then select two faces on both sides and use the bevel tool, then quickly move the bevelled face out a bit to get the ankle.

Then to finish the foot I went into sculpt mode and used the Draw Tool to make the foot thicker, I can also use the inflate tool as well to help with that, I use the grab tool to move parts around like make the arch at the bottom of the foot, as well as using it to move the toes in closer together, then I use the smooth tool to smooth the foot off, I didn't follow the tutorial for this part as I didn't like how his foot tuned out, so I followed my own way to making the foot look nice, I used references though by looking at my feet to make sure that the foot was looking like how I wanted it to look.

Lastly all I had to do was to attach it to the rest of the body model. How to do that is by selecting both the body and foot, right click and click the attach or add option, the foot will instantly make another due to the mirror modifier which was on the body. Now that both the foot and the body are in the same mesh, I can connect the verts together, I had to scale down the foot and rotate it so that it was facing the right direction. I also had to make two loop cuts on the foot due to I had more verts on the leg then the foot, once I had the correct amount of verts I move them around until they line up with the rest of the verts on the leg and then I connect them by selecting them and then use the bridge loop edges tool in the edge menu that I used early on. I then went into sculpt mode and moved the top of the foot up to make it look more natural to the rest of the body.


34 - Blender: How to model feet ⚡️fast⚡️ & easy + low poly! (2023) YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yhMoktAK4A (Accessed: 30 January 2024).


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