Week 17
Last Week I had done the feet, this Week I move onto the las body part needed for the model, which are the hands. Yet again I looked at the Youtuber 2AM for how he made the hands, because the model will be consistent if I follow the exact same guide all the way through. Like the foot we will start by making a box and loop cutting (Ctrl + R) it, but this time we will loop cut it 3 times along the Z and Y Axis, and once along the X axis. Then I scale the box down along the Y axis, I move the box up select the bottom faces and extrude them down along the Z axis to get the wrist of the hand. Then I delete the faces where the first finger would go, then like the foot I make a circle which has 6 edges, I scale it down to be about the same size of a finger and then I extrude it upwards along the Z axis. I then Loop cut Twice on the finger to get the joints, and then I make two more loop cuts on each joint one above both Joints and one below to make supporting edges. I face off the top of the ...