Week 9
I believe that this will be one of the toughest parts to making the character as it is really difficult to style the hair without certain parts of it looking off or making the hair look natural instead of it looking like string cheese.
To help me
with the hair I watched this video. I must say it did help me with clearing up
some parts I was confused about, for instance what I should try and make the
hair look like, however it did also make me a little confused as the topology
was curvy when there weren’t any verts or edges there to make that curve if
that make sense. Also, the video was a time laps so it was a bit difficult to
see how it was done when what I wanted to see was gone in seconds, but I just
slowed down the video to help with that, but that meant that I also didn’t have
any commentary to help if I needed it. The video also showed how to texture the
hair however I won’t texture it yet until the rest of the model has been made.
28 - Anime hair modeling &
texturing - blender workflow (2022) YouTube. Available at:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ux55E8zwf_o (Accessed: 15 August 2023).
Include screen grabs of your progress and review the quality of your efforts etc