Week 19
To start this Week I went back to the fringe and edited it around a bit to make it look better, I also added a few extra strands of hair to make it look more detailed and on top of the head I made a Cowlick. I start the Back of the Head by making two long strands of hair, and then editing them slightly so that they don't look too similar, as if the all the hair strands on the back of the head look the same it might look wrong and that it has been fabricated instead of naturel. This time I used the Mirror modifier to make the hair symmetrical, I don't finish the hair though, I just add a few more hairs by using the mirror modifier. Whilst I was making the Hair strands I was still keeping in mind to change the flow of the hair and the direction the bottom of the hair was pointing to make it look more natural. I think it is coming along pretty well, however there are still holes in the hair that people can see through, after watching Darcy's video it was easy to cover up these...